Sunday, October 13, 2013

Ericsson Unveils a Small Portable Device That Can Amplify Cellular Signals

This is a common phenomena If you are many of those people – most certainly you are – Who has been thwarted with the lack of mobile network coverage at your home, office or any other place you relish to visit often, then apparently, there is good news for you.
Ericsson, today, has unveiled its new device that is adequate enough to fit in your pocket, whilst providing enough indoor network coverage for the mobile phones same time.
As per the capability of this device it can carry cellular signals to even the most hard-to-penetrate parts of any building. The device has launched after the two years of research and development and incorporates 14 patents.
Ericsson calls it Radio Dot System, or simple, Dot.
 A Dot is an integrated radio antenna that weighs about 300 grams and resembles with the smoke detector; Because of its favorable size, scalability, and compelling evolution path, this product caters to different kinds of users in medium to large indoor locations, and aims to address operators’ needs of offering a complete indoor solution.
it can be cleft on any wall or a ceiling, where it will act as an extension of radio signals for the cellular network; the device is not only capable of amplifying voice signal, it is efficient enough to expand the data signals as well.
The product is expected to be commercially available in late 2014.
If you’re curious enough to know more about the Dot, then don’t miss this succinct Radio Dots System’s info graphics, shared by Ericsson itself. Indeed this is a great gadget for every one.

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