Thursday, May 16, 2013

Global Warming Threat all over the World

“Global Climate Change needs global action now. The alarms bells ought to be ringing in every capital of world. ” John Gummer, British Environment Secretary

Global warming has become vital issue of the world. The main causes of global warming are the increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The increase in the greenhouse gases rises the temperature and creates immense disaster like hurricanes, droughts and flood more frequently. The solution of Global warming is to use clean energy sources such as solar, wind and hydro power, etc. In this regard everyone have to make efforts to cope with changing climates.

 The slight change in temperature was noticed after industrial revolution but dramatically changes have occurred during last fifty years. The past fifty years changes are doubled the precedent changes.
Now situation is that the temperature raises 0.7f to 1.7f and still it is gradually increases. This frequent change in climate affects our ecosystem.
The main causes of global warming are greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide and chlorofluorocarbon. These gases hinder the sun light energy to radiate back into space which causes rise in temperature. Among greenhouse gases carbon dioxide is major one which is emitted from power plants, factories, vehicles and households. It causes 80% of air pollution and rises temperature.

Coal is another major source of carbon dioxide and produces 1.7 more than natural gas and 1.25 more than oil.
The next one is Methane and is 20 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide. This gas is released from households and industrial waste in landfill and also from cattle.

The other one is deforestation which has to blame for 25% of all carbon dioxide releasing in the atmosphere, by cutting and burning of about 34 acres of trees each year.

In addition to this chemical fertilizer poses more dangers than carbon dioxide and methane. They pollute our underground freshwater and excess of them create dead zone in our ocean.
The rise in temperature has severe effects on ecosystem and inhabitants of planet.
The global warming causes the melting of ice-caps and glaciers. The melting ice increases the sea level and reduces fresh water. Rise in sea level causes floods and cyclones and lack of fresh water impacts our food production.
The effect of global warming is ever evident on animal too. Some animals lose their natural habitats and their inability to adapt to the rapid changes in the climate. These causes extinguish of many species of plant and animals.
The effect of global warming can also be felt on seasons. There is a shift in season as summers are getting longer than winters.

The global warming is also responsible for new diseases or such diseases which had vanished in some part of world like malaria and dengue.
The other climate change impact is in cultivation because of sudden change in temperature or sudden rain.

Different Climatologists have their own perception about global warming. Some think that human activities are responsible for global warming and other think that it is a natural process. They support their theory by saying that water vapors cause 99.9% in rise of temperature and evaporation is a natural process.
Regarding global worming it is worth mentioning Kyoto Protocol made in 1997. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change. The major features of the Kyoto Protocol is that it sets binding targets for 37 industrialized countries and European community for reducing greenhouse gas emission. Kyoto Protocol commits industrial countries to stabilize greenhouse gas emission and helps developing countries in industrial area.

The main solution of global warming is use of alternative energy source such as solar, wind and hydro power etc. instead of coal, oil and natural gas.
The sun is most powerful source of energy. Sunlight or solar energy can be used for electricity generation, heating homes and lightening etc.

The second one is wind energy. Wind energy used for centuries to sail ships and drive wind mills that grind grains. Today, wind energy is captured by wind turbines and used to generate electricity.

The last one is hydro power, which is created from flowing water. Hydro power is used to generate electricity. Dams are best example of hydro power energy process.

Thus, global warming is the issue facing the mankind without any discrimination. If this situation persists and emission of greenhouse gases weren’t controlled then the earth would turn into a desert and no water or food will be left for survival. So we have to work together to save our planet for future generation.

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